I've been playing around with the SRTM digital elevation data from NASA, using it as a displacement map to produce these images.
I wanted to create the look of a gross, sticky substance... something that could maybe be grown in a lab, if you left an alien bacteria culture in a petri dish for a while.
I wanted to create the look of a gross, sticky substance... something that could maybe be grown in a lab, if you left an alien bacteria culture in a petri dish for a while.
The four depicted locations are:
- The Ecuadorian Andes
- Antofagasta, Chile
- Sicilia, Italy
- Karachi, Pakistan
- The Ecuadorian Andes
- Antofagasta, Chile
- Sicilia, Italy
- Karachi, Pakistan

Ecuadorian Andes - Overview

Ecuadorian Andes - Close Up

Ecuadorian Andes - Close Up

Antofagasta, Chile - Overview

Antofagasta, Chile - Close Up

Antofagasta, Chile - Close Up

Sicilia, Italy - Overview

Sicilia, Italy - Overview

Sicilia, Italy - Overview

Karachi, Pakistan - Overview

Karachi, Pakistan - Close Up

Karachi, Pakistan - Close Up

Textures Breakdown

Data Processing in QGis 3